Country Glyphosate 360 Herbicide (1L)

$46.30 inc GST

Non-selective herbicide for the control of manu annula, aquatic and perennial weeds in industrial and home garden situations as specifiied in the directions for use table. Note: This product is Frog friendly.


Annual weeds may be sprayed anytime they are activley growing. Use the lower rate on weeds up to 15cm tall; increase to the higher rate where weeds are over 15cm tall.

Visible symptoms develop in 3-7 days but complete desiccation may take 20-30 days under cool conditions.

Apparent Glyphosate 360 Herbicide does not provide residual weed contol. Repeat treatments may be necessary to contol later germiniating weeds.

For residual control of annual weeds,  Gluphosate 360 Herbicide may be tank mixed with Simazine or Altrazine flowable formulations.